People Performing A Dance Routine

Why Dance Workouts Are Great For Your Mental Health

Dancing doesn’t just help you keep off the pounds but is also a great way to boost your mental health. If you’re into fitness but want to try something different after years of going to your regular old gym, you should definitely give dance classes in NYC a try.

Research after research has found that dance helps people feel free and express themselves creatively. If you have a lot of pent-up emotion inside you that you haven’t been able to express, letting loose in a dance class can be a great way to let go of all the angst, worry, and confusion you’ve been carrying.

Here’s how dance workouts help improve your mental health.

1. They improve your mood

Whether you like hip hop, jazz, or something classic like the waltz, all dance forms have been shown to release dopamine in the body, which is the hormone that makes us feel good. Engaging in an activity like dancing also helps you stop feeling self-conscious and, as a result, feel more confident in your body. It also decreases stress and anxiety levels, helping us improve our mood.

The friendships you will forge in a dance class will also improve your social life and give you a circle of people you can bond with. If that sounds good to you, you should sign up for social dance classes in NYC.

2. It boosts your memory

Since dance classes are all about moving in sync with your group (although you can also sign up for freestyle dance), you need to rely on your memory to remember the choreography for different dance routines. Therefore dance is a great way to hone your memory and learning ability.

To really wow your instructor and your peers, why not practice a routine with a friend and then put on a show for your class?

3. You won’t feel lonely

If you live by yourself and don’t really get time to socialize, signing up for dance classes in New York can help you find a network of friends. Who knows, you might end up meeting people you become really good pals with. If you work all week, signing up for dance classes on the weekends can give you something to look forward to, not just showing off your newly acquired dancing skills but also the prospect of meeting up with your friends.

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