The Top Workout FAQs Answered

Beginners shoot questions nonstop the moment they see a fitness trainer.

While some queries are genuine concerns, other stem from lack of body awareness. Most people look for an overnight miracle to get beach bodies.

No amount of physical training or workout can show results as quickly as you might want.
Patience and motivation are key to seeing your body transform over a period of struggle.

Here’s a list of FAQs to help ease that struggle for beginners.

How many days a week should I go to the gym or workout at home?

A simple answer: don’t exert yourself too much in the beginning.

In the early stages, going to the gym 4–5 days every week will help you transition smoothly from your inactive lifestyle to an active one. Restrict your workout to 1 hour or 90 minutes at most. Divide you time for cardio, weight-training and working on your core strength.

How many reps of workout should I start with?

For starters, choose an exercise for each muscle e.g. chest, shoulders, triceps, and biceps. Go with 3 to 4 sets with 10 repetitions for each activity. Follow this plan for a month or 6 weeks and then switch gears to a more intense plan.

How do I get rid of my belly bulge?

This is by far the most common question asked. The amount of fat and intensity of exercise decides how long it’ll take to get a flat belly.

For toning stomach muscles, crunches and leg raises are great. Follow a 10-minute routine for both every day at the gym.

Including 10–15 minutes of intense cardio will speed up metabolic activity to turn body fat into energy.

Every time I do bench presses, my shoulders start aching. Am I doing it wrong?

Shoulder joints suffer inflammation because they’re overworked.

A little warm-up with minor weight-lifting and reps can help. Gradual activity in the shoulders releases synovial fluid which eases joint movement. If the pain is still there, change your hand position or switch to dumbbells.

A wrong angle is often a cause of pain.

Do I need to take supplements?

High quality vitamin-minerals are an important supplement.

They help repair muscles and improve internal health. Your body needs them for bone, energy and resistance. We wouldn’t need supplements if our diet was a combination of right nutrients. But it is not.

This is why supplements help compensate for the deficiencies. If you’re going for muscle mass, protein supplements will help build that.

What diet plan should I follow?

Never skip breakfast.

A meal with 40% proteins, 40% carbohydrates and 20% fat must be taken every 4 hours. Always eat an hour before workout and an hour after workout. Pre-workout and post-workout meals are essential for restoring energy in your system.

Are you ready for joining a fitness gym?

If you’re looking for fitness classes for workouts in midtown Manhattan, book a class with Fit Engine now and feel the difference!

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