5 Foods to Avoid Right Before Workout

When you begin your workout for the day, you may expect to see results as soon as possible. However, did you know that no matter what fitness regimen you follow, certain foods can sabotage your workout? We’ve listed down five foods you should stay away from right before you hit the gym.


1. Dairy Products

You might resort to a banana shake to get your body pumped, but dairy products should be avoided at all costs before your workout. Dairy products like cheese, yoghurt and milk have a high percentage of fat. These foods take longer to digest and can make you feel nauseous during intense exercises. You can snack on some cheese, yoghurt and enjoy a glass of cold milk an hour after your exercise. But, it’s important to note that milk can make you feel sleepy, so it’s best to consume it at night.

Read more: How Meal Planning Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

2. Almonds

Nuts are a great source of fat, and almonds in particular, but not a great option for a pre-workout snack. They have a tough fiber coating, which is difficult to digest and can lead to cramps and stomach pain during your workout. Once you’re done, wait for an hour or two and then enjoy the goodness of healthy fats and proteins.

3. Fast Food

If you spot a fast-food chain on the way to the gym, resist all the urge to make a turn into the drive-through. Eating starchy, deep-fried fast food will make you feel full and uneasy. Burgers, pizzas, fries are composed of saturated fats that remain in your digestive system for longer periods as compared to carbohydrates. You’ll feel bloated and nauseous, as your body will not be able to break down the fats before you begin the workout. Staying away from fast food, in general is essential, these foods are bathed in oil and can severely affect your cardiovascular health.

4. Cruciferous Vegetables

Vegetables like cauliflower and kale are another food item to add to the list. You might add kale to your protein smoothie, thinking it’ll help you achieve your workout goals, but stop! Cruciferous vegetables are high in fiber and require extra digestion time to break down their cell walls. When you work out, your digestion temporarily stops, which may cause your stomach to bloat due to gas from these undigested vegetables. Save these fibrous vegetables for your post-work meal.

5. Protein Bars

Protein bars might look extremely nutritious and power-packed to help you crush your workout, but don’t be fooled. Be sure to check the nutrition label properly before buying/eating them. If the bar has lots of sugar, your body will work on burning that and not do anything for muscle buildup. Also, bars with less than 10 grams of protein can cause your blood sugar level to decrease and make you feel sluggish. If you want to eat a protein bar, choose one that has an equal amount of sugar and protein.

Read more: How Many Calories Are you Actually Burning?

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