3 Things You Should Know Before You Start Working Out

“Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do, not a punishment for what you ate.”

More often than not, we treat exercise as a means to an end, which it is, but it’s a lot more than that.

Statistics by the NHS show that exercising regularly leads to 43.2% lesser poor mental health days, 50% reduced risk of diabetes, better cardiovascular health and improves your overall sleep quality  in addition to countless other benefits.

Whether you’re in your twenties or fifties, there’s no better time than now to start working out. In NYC, you can register for our online classes, which are affordable and suited to beginners. Register for an online Pilates, Stretch or Yoga Class.

Once you’ve registered, here are a few things you should know before you start your workouts:

It’s Not Just About Weight-Loss

The primary goal of exercise isn’t merely to lose weight!

Working out unlocks your body’s potential, which helps you achieve new goals every day. Every first is a reason to celebrate—your first 30 second plank, your first handstand and your first 2 mile run.

Exercise ignites a healthy competition with one’s self, which keeps you motivated throughout your journey.

People workout to gain body mass, tone their body, get abs, calm down or simply to kill time and all these are equally valid reasons to work out.

Recommended read: Working Out For Your Mental Health

Incremental, Not Monumental, Steps

When starting your health journey, think of incremental not monumental steps. Focus on small changes that create big impacts.

Take a slow start. As advised by a trainer, recovery time is crucial during working out. The first week of working out will require patience and perseverance. Keeping workout durations shorter and workout sessions less intensive might feel less productive; however, it will help sustain your habit over a longer period of time.

Set short-term and realistic goals that keep your morale high.

Read on here to learn more about staying motivated with workouts.

Fitness Burnouts Are Real

Much like work burnouts, fitness burnouts are a real thing!

Fitness burnouts are attributed to overtraining and under-recovery. Every time you push yourself further for an extended period of time, you’re likely to experience burnout.

As a beginner, avoid this! Listen to your body. Listen to the signs when it needs a break.

There are no shortcuts to workout success. Take the longer route for more sustainable results.

Making exercise a part of your routine can bring positive change to your life!

Book a slot in our online courses for the best Pilates and yoga classes in NYC. We also offer dance workouts to get you movin’ and groovin’.

Find out more about the latest fitness trends!

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